“The ingenious method of expressing every possible number using a set of ten symbols (each symbol having a place value and an absolute value) emerged in India. The idea seems so simple nowadays that its significance and profound importance is no longer appreciated ... The importance of this invention is more readily appreciated when one considers that it was beyod the two greatest men of antiquity, Archimedes and Apollonius.”
“They were evidently people on a low, material plane of existence, and quite incapable of appreciating the symbolic value of sensuous phenomena.”
“Humans have invented all kinds of symbols to communicate not only with other humans but more importantly with ourselves.”
“The greatest gains and values are farthest from being appreciated.”
“In these creations, life and symbolic value are not in contradiction: they intensify each other.”
“It seemed like today's culture placed the value of life below so many other things that have little importance in the long run.”