“If people don't recognize such limits, God will make them realize His own way”
“The thing people don't realize, God bless them, is that my books are supposed to suck.”
“I often wonder if God recognizes His own son the way we've dressed him up, or is it dressed him down?”
“Then it dawned on Joshua that God was not on Israel's side. He beckoned Israel to be on His side. Joshua couldn't claim God for himself or for his own interests the way the people around them used their idols. Rather the Lord claimed Joshua and His chosen people for Himself.”
“People see God every day, they just don't recognize him. ”
“But surely he had told that story before. All of us, we tell our stories over and over again. Not in the same way and we don't always recognize them for what they are, the same way we don't always recognize that all creation myths boil down to God and man and a thunderstorm.”