“Lately the muse has been treating me like Ike treated Tina.”
“I been with strangers all day and they treated me like family. I come in here to family and you treat me like a stranger.”
“aren't they the very reason I have to try to fight? Because what has been done to them is so wrong, so beyond justification, so evil that there is no choice? Because no one has the right to treat them as they have been treated?”
“You don't treat me like a child."He smiled. "Of course I do, but you seem to have this ridiculous notion that being treated like a child means to be treated with less respect than an adult.”
“-It isn't right. You treat others the way you want to be treated.-I am they treat you like shit so I treat them like shit. That's how they treat others, so I'm assuming that's how they want to be treated.”
“DON’T TREAT me as a child,I might treat you as an adult.Treat me as a friendand I’ll treat you as one.”