“My bet is we'll find trouble down that way." He indicated the direction the giggles were coming from."Are we going to survive this week?" Fane asked Decebel wearily."What's this we crap? You're mated, you can go hole up with your woman. I, on the other hand, get to be smack in the middle of the festivities," Decebel said the word as if it were a disease.”

Quinn Loftis

Quinn Loftis - “My bet is we'll find trouble down that...” 1

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“I know why she stormed out of here."Decebel's and Jacque's heads both whipped around. "You do?" they both asked at the same time.Fane raised an eyebrow at Sally's words.Sally in turn eyeballed Decebel. "Jen never really learned how to use an inside voice. So, Decebel, why don't you share how she asked you if you were involved with Crina, and how you never really gave her an answer but instead taunted her, and then nearly made her hyperventilate with desire."Decebel's head cocked to the side, his eyebrows drawn together. "How -""I would say it's a gift, but really I'm just nosy as hell. And damn, boy, the look you were giving her nearly had me in a puddle.""Shut up!" Jacque squealed. "Are you telling me Jen stormed out of here because he got her all hot and bothered?"Sally was grinning from ear to ear. Decebel looked like he would be perfectly happy if the universe would just swallow him whole."She was angry when she left," Decebel defended. "She left because she was mad.""Yeah, mad because she's got it bad for you, Sherlock," Sally told him, rolling her eyes."Really? She likes me?"Jacque laughed at Decebel's cocky smile."Um, if you aren't her mate that's not a good thing, Casanova," Jacque reminded him.Sally nodded in agreement, scrutinizing Decebel. "Let's just hope that she finds her mate at Mate Fest so she can get over you."Decebel took a step towards Sally. Fane stepped around Jacque and laid a hand on Decebel's chest, stopping him. "Easy, Beta."Decebel closed his eyes taking slow breaths, leashing his wolf. Then Sally's words worked past the jealous fog. "Mate Fest?" he questioned.Sally grinned. "Jen deemed it.""Naturally," Decebel muttered with a slight smile.”

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Quinn Loftis
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“Jen snorted a laugh as she spoke out loud. "Gee thanks, so kind of you to chalk it up to me just being a dumb ass."Decebel chuckled and his eyes had begun to get lighter. "You will stop undressing in front of other people."Jen put a hand on her hip as she tipped her head to the side. She narrowed her eyes at her mate and tapped her lip with a finger."Now, I'm going to need you clarify that." When Decebel didn't respond, but continued to stare at her, Jen rolled her eyes."Clarify, elucidate, enlighten. Do. You. Understand. The. Words. That. Are…," Jen emphasized each word."Jennifer," Decebel growled."Comingoutofmymouth," Jen finished quickly making Sally giggle."Only undress in our bedroom.""Nope, na-ah. There's waaaay too many loop holes in that little decree. Seriously Dec, you can do better than that," Jen told him with a single eyebrow raised. Decebel growled at the challenge in her words and the tone of her voice. Damn, when am I going to learn not to poke the angry wolf. The thought ran through her mind before she could censor it from a now wickedly smiling Alpha.”

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“Another tidbit you might be interested in is when it comes to chicks and open mouths, guys -" Decebel leaned over and covered Jen's mouth with his hand and warned her with a glare to swallow her words."Thanks, Dec. That's usually my job,"Sally told him. "But I was in such shock that I couldn't get my limbs to move."Decebel inclined his head. "Is that why you always seem to stand so close to her?""It's of utmost importance that whoever is within her reach be ready at any and all moments to intercept what might come from that wicked tongue."en was frantically trying to talk around Decebel's hand at Sally's comment. Decebel was quickly learning how Jennifer's brain worked, and could only imagine what she wanted to voice in regards to Sally's wicked tongue comment. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "I'm going to uncover your mouth. It would be wise of you to just let the wicked tongue comment slide."Jen glared at him from the corner of her eye, and after a tense moment finally nodded once in submission. Decebel slowly uncovered her mouth, ready if need be to slap it right back over her lips.The room began to get quiet and they all directed their attention to the front of the room. As Vasile welcomed everyone for coming and began to explain about the meeting he had with the other Alphas, Jen leaned over to Decebel. "You owe me. Sally walked right into it with that whole wicked tongue thing."Decebel chuckled and whispered back,"For some reason, ţinere de meu inimă (one who holds my heart), I have a feeling there will be plenty of opportunities for you to embarrass your friends for questionable comments they innocently walk into."Jen shrugged. "True enough, but you still owe me. And what are you calling me when you speak Romanian? You've said the same phrase to me twice now."Decebel patted her leg, causing all sorts of tingling sensations. "Dar tu romaneste, Micul meu lup. (but you speak Romanian, my little wolf)""I know what lup is and I am not a wolf.Whatever else you said I'm sure is a load of crap as well.”

Quinn Loftis
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