“These were the companions who justified my principles, who gave me the strength to continue against any foe, real or imagined. These were the companions who fought the helplessness, the rage, and frustration.These were the friends who gave me my life.”
“The people who influenced me the most were the ones who said I’d never make it. They gave me a thirst for revenge.”
“It troubles me every time to think my fellow women were the ones who actually gave birth to men with attitudes as stringent as yours.”
“My longings, my hopes, my dreams, and my every effort has been to live for Him who rescued me, to study for Him who gave me this mind, to serve Him who fashioned my will, and to speak for Him who gave me a voice.”
“My home was in darkness and my companions were shadows beckoning to me from a glass”
“I am simply looking for a companion with whom to spend my days, a companion who will cherish as much as I the stupidity of living in the moment, and spend every dull, amazing second with me.”