“I – talked to her. She understands. She won’t do anything stupid.” He didn’t look at Claire when he said that, and she wondered what kind of talking that might have been.Her mother had always said, when in doubt, ask.“Was it the kind of talk where you gave her something to live for? Like maybe, um, you?”“Did I – what the hell are you talking about?”“I just thought maybe you and her–”“Claire, Jesus!” Michael said. She’d actually made him flinch. Wow. That was new. “You think banging me is going to make her forget about charging out to commit cold-blooded vampire slaying? I don’t know what kind of standards you have on sex, but those are pretty high. Besides, whatever’s between me and Eve – well, it’s between me and Eve.” Until she tells me about it later, Claire thought.”

Rachel Caine

Rachel Caine - “I – talked to her. She understands. She...” 1

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Rachel Caine
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“Tempting. But you see, I can simply insist on a lifetime contract with none of your silly restrictions, or kill you right now.”“You won’t,” Shane said. That made Morley’s eyes open wide.“Why not? Jacob and Patience were quite specific—they’re concerned for Claire. Not for you, boy.”“Because if you kill me and Eve, you’ll make her your enemy. This girl won’t stop until she sees you all pay.”Claire had no idea whom he was talking about—she didn’t feel like that Claire at all, until she imagined Shane and Eve lying dead on the ground.Then she understood. “I’d hunt you down,” she said quietly. “I’d use every resource I have to do it.And you know I’d win.”Morley seemed impressed. “She is small, but I see your point, boy. Besides, she has the ear of Amelie, Oliver, and Myrnin; not a combination I would care to test.”

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