“I'm sorry!" I blurted out. "I told you, I suck at this. It's like any time I try to do a spell, it goes all big and scary and explodey,and-"Dad rubbed his forehead. "No,Sophie, it's all right. That's what I'd hoped you would do.""You hoped I'd commit mirrorcide?"He laughed, but it sounded a little breathless. "No,I'd hoped to see just how powerful you really are." His eyes were bright, and there was something that might have been pride in them. "You exceeded my expectations.""Well,yay," I said. "So glad my skill at blowing crap up impresses you, Dad.""Your sarcasm is-""I know,I know, 'an unattractive quality in a young lady.'"But Dad grinned and suddenly looked much younger and less like a guy who ironed his ties. "Actually, I was going to say it's something you must've gotten from me. Grace always hated sarcastic comments.""Oh,I know," I replied without thinking. "I spent most of the seventh grade grounded because of it."He snorted. "She once put me out by the side of the road in Scotland because I made a completely harmless joke about her map-reaking skills.""Really?""Mm-hmm.Had to walk nearly five bloody kilometers before she stopped to let me back in.""Dude.Mom is hard-core."For a moment we smiled at each other. Then Dad cleared his throat and looked away. "Anyway,your powers are definitely impressive, but what you lack is control.""Yeah, I kind of picked up on that.”

Rachel Hawkins

Rachel Hawkins - “I'm sorry!" I blurted out. "I told...” 1

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