“Why am I doing this, Brynne?” he demanded.“I don’t know, Ethan.” I could barely speak."“Yes you do. Say it, Brynne!” I tensed as an orgasm started to rule me but he immediately reduced the pace, taking it down a notch with slow pulls in and out of my spread sex.“Say what?” I cried, frustrated.“Say the words I have to hear. Say the truth and I’ll let you come.” He speared into me slower and nipped at my bare shoulder with his teeth.“What is the truth?” I was starting to sob now, completely at his mercy.“The truth is,” he grunted the rest on three, hard, punctuating thrusts, “You. Are. Mine!”I inhaled on a cry at the final thrust.He sped up again, fucking faster. “Say it!” he growled.“I’m yours, Ethan!”

Raine Miller

Raine Miller - “Why am I doing this, Brynne?” he...” 1

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