“Finally I knelt on the bed and placed my hand on his back. I patted awkwardly, hoping that was protocol for when someone was sobbing their eyes out. "hey." pat, pat. "It's okay. We'll bust out of here before they tag us." pat, pat, pat. I felt lame”
“Tapai mediku, o pamatei, kad esi mėsininkas, tai mesk gydęs, nes imsi žmones pjauti. Taip pat ir su kunigyste.”
“I had the good sense even then to realize patting oneself on the back is a waste of time. Besides, there are much better places to pat oneself if one must, indeed, pat.”
“Teikt vai neteikt, ka es Tevi.. Un jā.. Varbūt pat ļoti.”
“She pulls away, pats me on the shoulder with three mini-pats, like those used to pet reptiles.”