“[A] great deal of what we believe we do not know firsthand; instead we have faith in the knowledge of specialists.”
“if we have not found the heaven within,we have not found the heaven without”
“Faith is the light to victory, thanks to faith we become stronger within our spirit. Faith is hard to find, but if you believe it's there waiting for you to follow the light. We only hurt ourselves when we don’t believe we have faith. Faith can be the key to success. God bless us through our hard times and good times. Just believe and you can cross that broken bridge.”
“At the crossroads, the sacred may dwell. The devout practice a religion, performing its daily rituals. Perhaps we call it practice because we hope to become better. . . . but surely we practice a faith because that faith is our living.”
“Faith doesn't always come naturally but as we take those steps of faith, we notice little by little that our faith has grown and it isn't as hard as we first thought. ”