“Foolish people ask you, when you speak what they do not wish to hear, "How do you know it is the truth, and not an error of your own?" We know the truth when we see it, from opinion, as we know when we are awake that we are awake.”
“You never know. Maybe when we’re dreaming…we’re more lucid than when we are awake.”
“When we're awake, we see what we need to see. When we're asleep, we see what is really there.”
“We always know when we are awake that we cannot be dreaming even though when actually dreaming we feel all this may be real.”
“The soul is the perceiver and revealer of truth. We know the truth when we see it, let skeptic and scoffer say what they choose.”
“At the root of every large struggle in life is the need to be honest about something that we do not feel we can be honest about. We lie to ourselves or other people because the truth might require action on our part, and action requires courage. We say we “don’t know” what is wrong, when we do know what is wrong; we just wish we didn’t.Art lets us tell the truth, but even art can be something to hide behind.”