“And that unfortunate loss? Was that really an accident,or did you lose deliberately so I wouldn't have to pay the bill?"He shrugged. "My lips are sealed.""I should have known."Once on the open highway he turned on the radio,and they both sang along with Garth as he lamented his papa being a rolling stone.When the song ended,Marilee looked over. "I'll consider that a sermon. According to Garth, a woman would be a fool to lose her heart to a man who'd rather drive a truck than be home with her."Wyatt winked,and in his best imitation of Daffy's smoky voice he said, "Honey, a man may love the open road,but any female with half a brain can figure out how to compete with a truck.Just bat those pretty little red-tipped lashes at any male over the age of twelve, and his brain turns to mush.Next thing you know, instead of revving up his engine, he's on his hands and knees, carrying a toddler on his back around a living room full of toys and baby gear."Though the image was a surprisingly pretty one,Marilee had to wipe tears from her eyes,she was laughing so hard. When she caught her breath she managed to say, "You've got Daffy down so perfectly,you could probably answer the phone at the Fortune Saloon and no one would believe it wasn't her.""She's easy." He chuckled. "I think she's the only female with a voice that's deeper than mine."She looked out the window at the full moon above Treasure Chest Mountain in the distance. "It's a shame to waste such a pretty night.Maybe you ought to pull over and park.We can make out like teenagers.""Not a bad idea." At his arched brow she added, "It would give me a chance to see if I could turn your brain to mush.""Believe it.”

R.C. Ryan

R.C. Ryan - “And that unfortunate loss? Was that really...” 1

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