“In a hurry to escape he let himself out of the house and walked to the truck. Before he could climb inside Marilee raced down the steps.Breathless,she came to a sudden halt in front of him.At the dark look in his eyes she swallowed. "Please don't go,Wyatt. I've been such a fool.""You aren't the only one." He studied her with a look that had her heart stuttering.A look so intense, she couldn't look away. "I've been neating myself up for days,because I wanted things to go my way or no way.""There's no need.You're not the only one." Her voice was soft,throaty. "You've always respected my need to be independent.But I guess I fought the battle so long,I forgot how to stop fighting even after I'd won the war.""You can fight me all you want. You know Superman is indestructable." Again that long,speculative look. "I know I caught you off guard with that proposal. It won't happen again. Even when I understood your fear of commitment, I had to push to have things my way.And even though I still want more, I'm willing to settle for what you're willing to give,as long as we can be together."She gave a deep sigh. "You mean it?""I do.""Oh,Wyatt.I was so afraid I'd driven you away forever."He continued studying her. "Does this mean you're suffering another change of heart?""My heart doesn't need to change. In my heart,I've always known how very special you are.It's my head that can't seem to catch up." She gave a shake of her head,as though to clear it. "I'm so glad you understand me. I've spent so many years fighting to be my own person, it seems I can't bear to give up the battle."A slow smile spread across his face, changing it from darkness to light. "Marilee,if it's a sparring partner you want,I'm happy to sigh on. And if,in time,you ever decide you want more, I'm your man."He framed her face with his hands and lowered his head,kissing her long and slow and deep until they were both sighing with pleasure.Her tears started again,but this time they were tears of joy.Wyatt brushed them away with his thumbs and traced the tracks with his lips. Marilee sighed at the tenderness. It was one of the things she most loved about this man.Loved.Why did she find it so hard to say what she was feeling? Because,her heart whispered, love meant commitment and promises and forever after,and that was more than she was willing to consider. At least for now.After a moment he caught her hand."Where are we going?""Your place.It's closer than the ranch, and we've wasted too much time already.""i can't leave the ambulance...""All right." He turned away from the ranch truck and led her toward her vehicle. "See how easy I am?"At her little laugh he added, "I'm desperate for some time alone with you."Alone.She thought about that word. She'd been alone for so long.What he was offering had her heart working overtime. He was willing to compromise in order to be with her.She was laughing through her tears as she turned the key in the ignition. The key that had saved his life."Wyatt McCord,I can't think of anything I'd rather be than alone with you.”

R.C. Ryan

R.C. Ryan - “In a hurry to escape he let himself out of...” 1

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R.C. Ryan
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R.C. Ryan
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