“It's hard to imagine you working as a waitress in some college-town bar, Aunt Cora. Were you wearing Coot's overalls back then?"The older woman put a hand to her hip. "I'll have you know I was once considered quite a babe."While the others were grinning, Cal rushed to her defense. "Still are to me, Cora."Then,realizing what he'd just said, his face reddened.His discomfort wasn't lost on the others.Amy and Marilee exchanged meaningful looks, while Jesse,Wyatt, and Zane jumped at the chance to start teasing him."Careful,Cal." Jesse winked at his cousins. "Next thing you know,Aunt Cora will invite you to her studio to pose for a portrait."Wyatt chuckled. "Just remember to keep your boots on,Cal.”

R.C. Ryan

R.C. Ryan - “It's hard to imagine you working as a...” 1

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“Do you remember the time we tied a lasso to a tree limb and decided to swing across the creek like Tarzan?" Wyatt tipped up his frosty bottle and took a long pull."Yeah." Zane was already laughing. "As usual,you two decided that I'd be the one to try it out first.That way,if it broke,I'd be the one tossed into the creek.""It stands to reason." Jesse chuckled. "You were the youngest. That's just the price you had to pay to hang out with us.""And," Wyatt added, "you were always willing to go along with whatever we decided." Zane shook his head. "Not when I used it to fly across the creek.""And not when I followed him," Wyatt said with a laugh. "But Jesse, assured that it was safe,grabbed hold and was flying through the air when the branch snapped."Amy looked over at her husband. "You landed in the creek?""Yeah? On the day after one of our biggest storms,with the water spilling over its banks and rushing so fast it carried me downstream half a mile or more."She put a hand to her mouth to cover her shock and saw Cora do the same.Wyatt laughed. "He was lucky Zane and I had our horses tethered nearby.We chased along the banks of the creek until we could get far enough ahead to toss him a tree branch to catch. By the time we hauled him out,he looked like a drowned rat and was spitting mad.""I had a right to be.I swallowed half the creek."Zane laughed. "But think how lucky we were that it happened to you instead of me. At least you could swim."Marilee's eyes rounded. "They had you test the rope when they knew you couldn't swim?"Wyatt was laughing even harder. "We figured it was one way for him to learn.""How old were you?"They thought a minute before Wyatt answered. "I was eight,so that would make Jesse ten and Zane seven.""You could have all drowned.""Yeah.Looking back,we were lucky to have surrived so many foolish adventures. But," Wyatt added, "I wouldn't have missed a single one of them."of them”

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