“Each of us must discover our own soul, feed our own passion, compose our own music, write our own script, and create our own future. created by: reda”
“We create our own future by our own beliefs, which control our actions. A strong enough belief system, a sufficiently powerful conviction, can make anything happen. This is how we create our consensus reality, including our gods.”
“Life will undertake to separate us, and we must each set off in search of our own path, our own destiny or our own way of facing death.”
“I believe that we form our own lives, that we create our own reality, and that everything works out for the best.”
“We create our own reality. The blessing (or problem) with this is that when one creates one's own reality, one must live it! Are you living a blessing or is it a curse?”
“If we are not our own, but the Lord's, it is clear to what purpose all our deeds must be directed. We are not our own, therefore neither our reason nor our will should guide us in our thoughts and actions. We are not our own, therefore we should not seek what is only expedient to the flesh. We are not our own, therefore let us forget ourselves and our own interests in as far as possible.”