“I won't get killed,' Rose protested.Is that a promise?' Fish asked dryly, stirring his tea. 'If you break your word, I'll never believe you again.'Rose shook her head at him. 'How can you even taste your tea if you put that much sugar in it?'Don't change the subject. I don't want to be responsible for depriving the world of Rose Brier. Under no circumstances are you allowed to help us do anything more dangerous than...change the oil in my car.”
“Lucien: And Flowers--but only Anya can call me that.William: Fine. I'll call you Roses.Lucien: You won't. William: I will. Zodiac sign, Roses?Lucien: First, how does my woman stand you? Second, I don't think I have a sign. I was created rather than born, and I am unsure of the day, much less the month. William: I'll just mark your sign as "Roses". Choice of weapon, Roses?Lucien: You are a bastard. But I like knives. I like to get up close and personal with my kills. Care for a demonstration?William: Later. What are you looking for in a woman, Roses?Lucien: Why don't I just call you Moron? Anya does.....”
“Lastly, tea--unless one is drinking it in the Russian style--should be drunk WITHOUT SUGAR. I know very well that I am in a minority here. But still, how can you call yourself a true tea-lover if you destroy the flavour of your tea by putting sugar in it? It would be equally reasonable to put in pepper or salt. Tea is meant to be bitter, just as beer is meant to be bitter. If you sweeten it, you are no longer tasting the tea, you are merely tasting the sugar; you could make a very similar drink by dissolving sugar in plain hot water.”
“Dancing? You, Poppy?" Marianne shook her head slowly. I never thought..."Rose looked concerned. She even felt Poppy's head for fever, but Poppy shook her off."I don't know about you, Rose, but I'm done letting creatures like Under Stone and the Corley dictate my life. I enjoy dancing, and I will blasted well dance at my wedding!""Poppy! Language!"Poppy didn't answer; she just threw her arms around Christian and kissed him soundly.”
“I don't like my shoes,' said Rose.'I'm wearing my shoes and you don't see me complain.''You only hear a person complain,' said Rose. 'Not see.'How has Rose lived for seventeen years and no one has killed her, not once?”
“I must have your promise, Coach, that you won't hurt her.""I promise.""You spoke a bit too quickly for my taste. I don't quite believe you.""I'm a man of my word, and I promise that I won't hurt her.When I murder her, I'll do it real quick, so she won't feel a thing."Viktor sighed. "That's exactly what I was afraid of.”