“He knew what she knew – that the world they lived in most days was an illusion of safety, that the real world, without the smoke and mirrors of self-deception, was treacherous, dangerous, and deadly. - An Inquisition of Angels”
“He knew what he knew: that the real world was full of magic, so magical worlds could easily be real.”
“Naïve, and very very dangerous. If she only knew what treacherous waters she has just stepped into.”
“Of all the weapons she had commanded, Elizabeth knew the least of love; and of all the weapons in the world, love was the most dangerous.”
“...but she never knew what it was like to walk away from the thing she had most wanted. Years later she would say, "Photography allowed me to make the world and be in the world.”
“Katie smiled and turned away, knowing it wasn't an illusion or a figment of her imagination. She knew what she saw. She knew what she believed.”