In this quote by Lithuanian writer Ričardas Gavelis, he reflects on the struggle of truly being oneself in a society that often values conformity over individuality. Gavelis laments the fact that from a young age, we are taught to mold ourselves into the image of societal expectations, rather than embracing our true selves. He argues that being oneself is not simple, but rather requires great talent and courage. He suggests that true genius lies in the ability to remain steadfastly true to oneself, even in the face of pressure to conform. This quote serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of authenticity and staying true to one's own unique identity.
In the quote by Lithuanian writer Ričardas Gavelis, he reflects on the struggle of staying true to oneself in a world that constantly pressures individuals to conform to societal expectations. This sentiment is still highly relevant in today's society, where the influence of social media, peers, and the desire for perfection can easily lead people away from their authentic selves. Gavelis reminds us that being true to oneself is a talent, a form of genius that should be cherished and nurtured. This quote serves as a powerful reminder for us to embrace our uniqueness and individuality, even in a world that constantly tries to mold us into something we are not.
“Didžiausia mano nelaimė — kad anaiptol ne iškart tapau savimi. Mūsų niekas nemokė būti savimi. Mus mokė būti tuo ir anuo, lipdyti save pagal kokį nusususį ar nežemiškai idealų modelį, kurį sugalvojome ne mes patys. Mokė keisti, lamdyti save, mokė prisitaikyti.Tačiau niekad nemokė būti savimi. Būti savimi anaiptol nėra paprasta, tam reikalingas didis talentas. Dabar dažnai pamanau, kad genialumas tėra viso labo tobulas gebėjimas begal tvirtai, užsispyrus, ligi pat gali išlikti pačiu savimi.” - Ričardas Gavelis
In this passage from Ričardas Gavelis, the idea of being true to oneself is explored. Consider the following questions to reflect on your own journey towards self-acceptance and authenticity: