“mistakes are really not that big of a deal. in fact , as most of us acknowledge we need to make mistakes in order to learn and grow”
“Mistakes don't have to define us. They're how we learn and grow. They show us who and what we don't want to be. It's why they're mistakes.”
“But it's important to acknowledge that while we may make mistakes, in the long run, we may also learn from them.”
“And if they really fuck it up and do make a horrible mistake, which can happen to anyone, from any culture, you still have to sit back and watch from the sidelines. It's their life. What you need is a life of your own. You can't hang on to them forever and live theirs or stop them from making mistakes. That's the deal. Once they grow up, they belong to themselves, not to us.”
“The only mistake we can make is not learning from our mistake.”
“It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on.”