“If I work hard enough, there will be things I can do tomorrow that I can't do today.”
“What will you do now?'I think I will become a monk and devote my entire life to prayer and good works.'No,' said Rek. 'I mean, what will you do today?'Ah! Today I'll get drunk and go whoring,' said Bowman.”
“Today I could like anybody," said Rek, smiling. "The sky is clear, the wind is fresh, and life tastes very fine. What will you do now?""I think I will become a monk and devote my entire life to prayer and good works.""No," said Rek. "I mean, what will you do today?""Ah! Today I'll get drunk and go whoring," said Bowman.”
“I should have known that I wasn't meant for happiness and a life of ease. I have other work to do in the world.”
“I tended to do anything as long as it felt like an adventure, and to stop when it felt like work. Which meant that life did not feel like work.”