“If you cannot find yourself on the page very early in life, you will go looking for yourself in all the wrong places.”
“The future is mysterious and frightening to you now, but in the end all will be well. There will be great happiness and great sorrow, you will have a family, you will find yourself capable of things you cannot now imagine. But you will persevere, and one day you will look around yourself and know that your life is good and that you are, in spite of all your early fears, happy.”
“There's a point where you find yourself tiptoeing as an artist, and then you know that you're in the wrong place.”
“Don't be in a hurry about finding your work in the world for yourself—you are not old enough to judge for yourself yet; but just look about you in the place you find yourself in, and try to make things a little better and honester there.”
“The only way to understand yourself or your life is to start with God. And right at the very beginning the Bible takes us there. If you are not clear about this, you will go wrong everywhere else.”
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”