“Miss Beryl: Doesn't it bother you that you haven't done more with the life God gave you?Sully: Not often. Now and then.”
“I hate New Year's Eve. One more chance to remember that you haven't yet done what you wanted. And to pretend it doesn't matter.”
“The story of her life. God gave you everything just to take it away. Just so you knew exactly what you were missing.”
“Appreciate your abilities and trust your instincts. Just because you haven't done something doesn't mean you can't.”
“Regrets are the last words you speak to your loved ones when you die and the one thing we all fear when we live. I'd rather regret the things I've done and said than regret the things I haven't done or said. It is all the experiences and people you missed out on in life that you will feel the most regretful for in the end. God will forgive you of your mistakes, but there is nothing to forgive if you have never even tried, done or said anything that made a difference in your life or others.”
“Don't worry about what you did yesterday, he said, often, worry about what you haven't done today.”