“Life is a love story, with every character yearning for permanent refuge in someone's heart.”
“Could it possibly be that he yearned for some of the same things she yearned for? Love. Someone to call your own. Someone to share the joys and the sorrows of life.”
“Action is the pulse of any good story, but the character is the heart. If the action has no consequence to the character, the story loses heart.”
“These new people were her people. So what that she'd only recently met these women. In their hearts they were all the same: women yearning for rich lives, someone to love & someone to love them in return, friends to laugh with, drink with & cry with.”
“Every life is a love story, but few of us know what love is until the story is nearly over.”
“He read with intensity and was passionately in love with every character, every turn of plot or twist of language. He made the characters come alive for us, like he wasn't reading a work of fiction but telling stories about his own friends.”