“I don’t suppose there’s a Georgina Kincaid Instruction Manual around somewhere to help me avoid these embarrassing blunders in the future.”“We sell them downstairs.”“Oh yeah? Is there a page on how to woo the fair Georgina?”“Page? Hell, there’s a whole chapter.”“Required reading, I’d imagine.”“Definitely.”
“Fucking angels”
“Beckett kissed each woman’s cheek and said, “Ladies, I was saying thank you for taking such beautiful care of my brother. You’re angels. Selfless, beautiful fucking angels. I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Kincaid! Bolshevik Muppet!”
“Do you know the price of one soul, Georgina? It's beyond rubies and diamonds, beyond any mortal reckoning. If it had taken me centuries, if it had taken a dozen more angels to help me, it all would have been worth it.”