“I stood up angrily. “Look, I’m done talking to you tonight. Will you let me out of this dream? I’m not telling you where I am. And I’m not interested in hearing about how wonderful Avery is and how much better than me she is.”“Avery would never act like a little brat,” he said. “She wouldn’t get so offended that someone actually cares enough to check on her. She wouldn’t deny me the chance to learn more about my magic because she was paranoid someone would ruin her crazy attempt to get over her boyfriend’s death."“Don’t talk to me about being a brat,” I shot back. “You’re as selfish andself-centered as usual. It’s always about you—even this dream is. You hold me against my will, whether I want it or not, because it amuses you.”“Fine,” he said, voice cold. “I’ll end this. And I’ll end everything between us. I won’t be coming back.”“Good. I hope you mean it this time.”His green eyes were the last thing I saw before I woke up in my own bed. I sat up, gasping. My heart felt like it was breaking, and I almost thought I might cry. Adrian was right—I had been a brat. I’d lashed out at him when it wasn’t really deserved. And yet . . . I hadn’t been able to help it. I missed Lissa. I even kind of missed Adrian. And now someone else was taking my place, someone who wouldn’t just walk away like I had.I won’t be coming back.And for the first time ever, I had a feeling he really wouldn’t be.”

Richelle Mead

Richelle Mead - “I stood up angrily. “Look, I’m done...” 1

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