“Is it true? You had a clean getaway and risked it all for me?"I Swallowed. "It wouldn't have been a clean getaway without you.”
“If there were no risk of a punishment, a getaway would lose the pleasure.”
“You never help others by allowing them to getaway with giving less than their best efforts.”
“You can't drive them around in the getaway van.' 'How about we don't call it the getaway van? People might get suspicious.' 'So what should we call it?' 'How about the van?' 'It doesn't change what it is and that it's a shitty thing to do. Someone might see them in it.”
“...you betrayed me, but after all those years I discover, my tears have wiped the slate clean...”
“He just cleaned the bathroom.”“So?”“I’ve been sending samples into the lab when I got bored. They are as of yet unidentified. It never occurred to me to clean the damned thing."Whiskey sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know, I know, I know—you don’t want to get blood all over it now that it’s clean.”