“Don't worry, little dhampir. You might be surrounded by clouds, but you'll always be like sunshine to me.”
“That makes sense," Adrian said"It does?"He glanced at me, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Yes, little dhampire. Sometimes you make sense. Go on.”
“El arte no tiene porque tener sentido, pequeña dhampir. Además, se supone que yo estoy loco, ¿verdad?”
“You know, I was gutting this loser the other day, and I thought, It’d be more fun fighting that little dhampir. I wonder if she’s recovered yet. And here you are.” “Lucky me,” I said. Scarface grinned. “You know, I might even let you live. You’re funny.”
“Rose!" I looked to my right and saw Adrian cutting across the lawn toward me, oblivious to the slush's effects on his designer shoes. "Did you just call me 'Rose'?" I asked. "And not 'little dhampir'? I don't think that's ever happened." "It happens all the time," he countered, catching up to me.”