“Wait,” he said. “That’s not a word.”I looked down to where, in a moment of desperation, I’d played zixic on a triple-word-score space.“Uh, sure it is.”“What’s it mean?”“It’s sort of like…quixotic, but with more…”“Bullshit?”I laughed out loud. I’d never heard him swear before.“More zeal. Hence the z.”“Uh-huh. Use it in a sentence.”“Um…’You are a zixic writer.’““I don’t believe this.”“That you’re zixic?”“That you’re trying to cheat at Scrabble.” He leaned back against my couch, shaking his head. “I mean, I was ready to accept the whole evil thing, but this is kind of extreme.”

Richelle Mead

Richelle Mead - “Wait,” he said. “That’s not a word.”I...” 1

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