“For cripes sake, have you ever heard of 'Ready or not? Here I come'?"Retro or not, cheesy is cheesy."Sometimes what you learned from beer commercials comes in real handy.”
“No one will read what I write here, no one will come to help me... My ship is rudderless, it's driven by the wind blowing into the nethermost regions of death.”
“You made peace,” said the buffalo man. “You took our words and made them your own. They never understood that they were here—and the people who worshiped them were here—because it suits us that they are here. But we can change our minds. And perhaps we will.”
“It starts now. Right here, right now. If you do not want to get bent over this table and fucked in this booth, I suggest you say spinach. I'll let you go with the warning to never come back here again unless you're ready for it.”
“Live like you are going to be here forever, but be ready to go at anytime.”