“Argh!" Thalia pushed me, and a shock went through my body that blew me backward ten feet into the water. Some of the campers gasped. A couple of the Hunters stifled laughs."Sorry!" Thalia said, turning pale. "I didn't mean to—"Anger roared in my ears. A wave erupted from the creek, blasting into Thalia's face and dousing her from head to toe.I stood up. "Yeah," I growled. "I didn't mean to, either."Thalia was breathing heavily."Enough!" Chiron ordered.But Thalia held out her spear. "You want some, Seaweed Brain?"Somehow, it was okay when Annabeth called me that — at least, I'd gotten used to it — but hearing it from Thalia was not cool."Bring it on, Pinecone Face!”

Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan - “Argh!" Thalia pushed me, and a shock...” 1

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