“Athena stood in the middle of the road with her arms crossed and a look on her face that made me think Uh-oh. She'd changed out of her armor, into jeans and a white blouse, but she didn't look any less warlike. Her gray eyes blazed."Well, Percy," she said. "You will stay mortal.""Um, yes, ma'am.""I would know your reasons.""I want to be a regular guy. I want to grow up. Have, you know, a regular high school experience.""And my daughter?""I couldn't leave her," I admitted, my throat dry. "Or Grover," I added quickly. "Or-""Spare me." Athena stepped close to me, and I could feel her aura of power making my skin itch. "I once warned you, Percy Jackson, that to save a friend you would destroy the world. Perhaps I was mistaken. You seem to have saved both your friends and the world. But think very carefully about how you proceed from here. I have given you the benefit of the doubt. Don't mess up."Just to prove her point, she erupted in a column of flame, charring the front of my shirt.”

Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan - “Athena stood in the middle of the road...” 1

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