“How could music cause so many lives to veer off course?”
“A single action can cause a life to veer off in a direction it was never meant to go.”
“I didn't do music to live; I lived so that I could do music.”
“How did she end up here, like this? How could there have been so much - so many moments, so many people and things, so many razors and pillows, timepieces and subtle coffins - without her being aware? How did her life live itself without her?”
“I didn't understand how you could live in a mean world and not have any of that meanness rub off on you. How could a guy live without meanness?”
“On, there are so many lives. How we wish we could live them concurrently instead of one by one by one. We could select the best pieces of each, stringing them together like a strand of pearls. But that's not how it works. A human life is a beautiful mess.”