“I tried to think of something to say. Excuse me? Hello? Marry me? Anything would have done.”
“Now I have done," cried Captain Wentworth. "When once married people begin to attack me with,--`Oh! you will think very differently, when you are married.' I can only say, `No, I shall not;' and then they say again, `Yes, you will,' and there is an end of it.”
“Actually, being married to me probably would be something of a joke . . . but yeah, I mean it. What do you think?”
“I would have done anything. Anything to get back to you. I can’t say I’m sorry for that.”
“I try to stick to one, single rule, “If you don’t have anything to say, shut the fuck up.” I think that’s in the Bible or something.”
“I often think it would be such luxury to go mad, and not have to worry about anything. Others would have to worry for me, about me.”