“I didn't like anybody in that school. I think they knew that. I think that's why they disliked me. I didn't like the way they walked or looked or talked, but I didn't like my mother or father either. I still had the feeling of being surrounded by white empty space. There was always a slight nausea in my stomach.”
“I ignored the flashes of lightning all around me. They either had your number on them or they didn't.”
“In the past, my brain babbling at such length had meant there was something it either didn't want to think about--which things numbered in the dozens right now--or it was working out some extreme cleverness that would at any moment leap out and surprise me. Much to my dismay, nothing leapt out.”
“I'm controversial. My friends either dislike me or hate me”
“I know pretty much what I like and dislike; but please, don't ask me who I am.”