“Connor; "Push me and you might just find yourself locked in the trunk of a car and on a ferry headed off to Nova Scotia. . .Again" he said Softly loving the way she practically shook with rage against him."I knew that was you, you bastard" She snarled, looking torn between going for his nipples again or just out right killing him."You deserved it", he felt obligated to remind her.She scoffed. "I was twelve!""you super glued my shorts to my ass!"the smile that teased her lips transformed her face from beautiful to breathtakingly beautiful in a matter of seconds. . .She chuckled softly as she moved to put a little space between them. "I actually forgot about that".”

R.L. Mathewson

R.L. Mathewson - “Connor; "Push me and you might just...” 1

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