“That better not be what I think it is," Joe mumbled in the dark.It was. "It's not. Jeez, woman, someone's paranoid. It's my pocket light," he said, wincing. Ah, he was only human after all. It wasn't the first time she got him hard nor would it be the last time. The physical discomfort was a small price to pay to have her in his arms."Well, then your flashlight is growing. Jeez, Eric, put a leash on that thing before it stabs me!" she teased."But it likes you," he pouted.She giggled. "I seem to remember a certain tenth grade math class where it liked standing up in front of the entire class."He sucked in a breath. "Hey, that traumatized me!”

R.L. Mathewson

R.L. Mathewson - “That better not be what I think it...” 1

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