“We are the daily bread of forlorn lovers, of all who want to believe in love; they cannot live without a taste.”
“There is no justice we don't make daily like bread and love.”
“We are lovers, we say Yes to each other. Yes to life—to more and more of life—to its brevity, its grief, its disappointments. To its possibilities, its magnificence, its glory. We quarrel—because we glimpse further possibilities, the non-sense—and wish to lay claim to it. We remember death, and that life is brief, and that the time for love is now and more is possible. One more step toward the holy. It is to know the peace that passes understanding and that there is no peace. It is to love others as they are, warts and all, and to believe that more is possible, and to bespeak that wanting. It is to pray 'Give us this day our daily bread….' and to know that we do not live by bread alone. It is to remember death, and to love life and to accept them both as holy. More and more, then, the embracing of ministry is work for an artist—one who is alert to 'apprehending the points of intersection of the timeless with time.”
“Happy are the beloved and the lovers and those who can live without love.”
“But I feel that you, in particular, are a person who cannot live without love." "Yet I am living without love." "Then you are either living a lie or not living at all.”
“Jesus said “Give us THIS DAY our daily bread”, knowing that you cannot fight today’s battles with yesterday’s bread. Knowing that you cannot fight today’s battles with the hope of tomorrow’s bread. Knowing that today you will be nourished by this daily bread, and it’s what you have to fight today’s battle.”