“A boy who gets a C- in 'Appreciation of Television' can't be all bad.”
In this quote, Robert A. Heinlein is pointing out that a person's worth cannot be determined solely by their academic achievements. By using the humorous example of a student who receives a mediocre grade in a class that is widely considered to be easy or unimportant, Heinlein suggests that there are many factors that contribute to a person's character and abilities. This quote serves as a reminder not to judge others based solely on their grades or accomplishments, as there is much more to a person than what can be measured by traditional standards of success.
In today's society, traditional academic subjects are often prioritized over more practical skills. However, Robert A. Heinlein's quote reminds us that receiving a lower grade in a subject such as "Appreciation of Television" does not diminish a person's worth. This statement holds modern relevance as it highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing a diverse range of abilities and interests in individuals. By acknowledging the significance of unconventional skills and talents, we can create a more inclusive and accepting environment where everyone's strengths are celebrated.
"A boy who gets a C- in 'Appreciation of Television' can't be all bad." - Robert A. Heinlein
This quote by Robert A. Heinlein highlights the idea that academic performance does not define a person's worth.
This quote by Robert A. Heinlein invites us to consider the value and importance of unconventional skills and interests. Reflect on the following questions:
“You can't appreciate a great day unless you've experienced bad ones." - Rabbi Glassman”
“Dante and I were the last two boys in America who grew up without television.”
“I mean, we all know the dangers of starving, but bulimia? That can't be that bad. It's only bad when you get really thin. Who worries about bulimics? They're just gross.”
“Anybody who hates dogs and babies can't be all bad.”
“There's nothin' you can get from a book that you can't get from a television fastah!" -Harry Wormwood”