“In a badly designed book, the letters mill and stand like starving horses in a field. In a book designed by rote, they sit like stale bread and mutton on the page. In a well-made book, where designer, compositor and printer have all done their jobs, no matter how many thousands of lines and pages, the letters are alive. They dance in their seats. Sometimes they rise and dance in the margins and aisles.”
“We are type designers, punch cutters, wood cutters, type founders, compositors, printers, and book binders from conviction and with passion, not because we are insufficiently talented for other higher things, but because for us the highest things stand in close kinship to those ends”
“In my heart, I love books, I love writing. I love the lines of letters on a page.”
“I am the black in the book the letters on the pages that you memorize.”
“Books are like friends to me. Words come alive on the page.”
“The only bad book was a book that didn't have any pages in it.”