“He will not go behind his father's saying, And he likes having thought of it so well He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors.”
“He is all pine and I am apple orchard.My apple trees will never get acrossAnd eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.He only says, "Good fences makegood neighbors.”
“Good fences make good neighbors.”
“If you replace the letter "s" with the letter "x," you can make a lot of plural words naughty. For example, "fences" would become "fencex," and I'd say good fencex makes good neighbors.”
“The world begins anew with every birth, my father used to say. He forgot to say, with every death it ends. Or did not think he needed to. Because for a goodly part of his life he worked in a graveyard.”
“And after he drives away your buddy says, “A fuckingJaguar? Seriously?” “Honestly,” you say,“he deserved to have his fence smashed upjust for that.”