“People are sheep. TV is the shepherd.”
“Feed my lambs, shepherd my sheep.”
“If a wolf attacks his sheep, the shepherd kills the wolf, but he eats the sheep when he's hungry.”
“Christ proclaimed: "I am the good shepherd." He then further showed, and with eloquent exactness, the difference between a shepherd and a hireling herder. The one has personal interest in and love for his flock, and knows each sheep by name, the other knows them only as a flock, the value of which is gaged by number; to the hireling they are only as so many or so much. While the shepherd is ready to fight in defense of his own, and if necessary even imperil his life for his sheep, the hireling flees when the wolf approaches, leaving the way open for the ravening beast to scatter, rend, and kill.”
“It is the duty of a good shepherd to shear his sheep, not to skin them.”