“A man who trusts everyone is a fool and a man who trusts no one is a fool. We are all fools if we live long enough.”
“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.”
“If you never see a fool You'll always be happy.The one who keeps company with fools Will be sorry for a long time.It's painful to live with fools, Like being always with an enemy.”
“The only real difference between a wise man and a fool, Moore knew, was that the wise man tended to make more serious mistakes—and only because no one trusted a fool with really crucial decisions; only the wise had the opportunity to lose battles, or nations.”
“So said Hair-Face, and they killed him, because, they said, he was a wild man and wanted to go back and live in a tree. It was very strange. Whenever a man arose and wanted to go forward all those that stood still said he went backward and should be killed. And the poor people helped stone him, and were fools. We were all fools, except those who were fat and did no work. The fools were called wise, and the wise were stoned. Men who worked did not get enough to eat, and the men who did not work ate too much.”
“If you cannot predict the betrayal from the ones that you love and trust the most, then you are living in a fool's paradise.”