“...it was easy to get an incomplete picture of the world if one relied solely on experts, and how important is would be to further rely on oneself”
“I am not one to rely upon the expert procedure. It is the psychology I seek, not the fingerprint or the cigarette ash.”
“It's easy to get rid of people, Christophe. All you have to do is rely on them.”
“It’s easy to get rid of people, Christophe. All you have to do is rely on them.”
“To be an ignorant man, to posses nothing but a fragile word, to find oneself as if relying upon darkness and nothingness: that is the position from which one must be constantly setting out.”
“How must he prove himself? What was it they wished to know of him? And what did he know of himself here where loneliness was an unavoidable element of life, and a man must rely solely on himself?”