“*A leap of faith is required if we are to believe that nonviolence can heal a violent world, that turning the other cheek when struck, instead of striking back, can end a fight. We need faith to believe that by loving our enemy we can eventually transform him into an ally; that even when nonviolence fails to achieve peace, it can succeed in curing hate.**”
“Faith is the light to victory, thanks to faith we become stronger within our spirit. Faith is hard to find, but if you believe it's there waiting for you to follow the light. We only hurt ourselves when we don’t believe we have faith. Faith can be the key to success. God bless us through our hard times and good times. Just believe and you can cross that broken bridge.”
“But sometimes it's the things that require a leap of faith that we need to believe in most of all.”
“We believe that faith is the cure that heals all troubles.”
“When we genuinely believe that inner transformation is God's work and not ours, we can put to rest our passion to set others straight.”
“In the end--when all else is dust--loyalty to those we love is all we can carry with us to the grave. Faith--true faith--was trusting in that love.”