“The End is Nigh!" the man shouted."Is there still time for hot chocolate?" Riley asked.The-End-is-Nigh guy blinked. "Ah, maybe, I don’t know.”
“But I spoke hastily. We must not be hasty. I have become too hot. I must cool myself and think; for it is easier to shout stop! than to do it.”
“The view from the window, particularly if you enjoy neon, is extraordinary.”
“Tonight when she came down to the front desk she was wearing neon green hot pants and a pink leopard print jacket. But the best part was that her boots almost matched her jacket. I think she’s on to something. Why let the fact that you’re 65-years-old interfere with your ability to dress like a colorblind fourteen-year-old?”
“Everyone always noticed Ashley. She was like a flashing neon sign for anyone with an ounce of testosterone.”