“Christ on a bike, Tony …”
“Well, I didn't need them.I didn't need anyone. I was Lola Rose.I just wished I looked more like my idea of Lola Rose.”
“Then I say, "Let's go and brush our teeth." So Lola says, "But Charlie, I can't brush my teeth because somebody is using my tooth." "But who would use your toothbrush?" I ask. Lola says "I think that lion. I saw a lion with my toothbrush and now he's brushing his teeth with it." "But it isn't this your toothbrush Lola?" "Oh," says Lola, "he must be using yours.”
“Is there a chance if your Lola ?"" Only if the other person is Cricket”
“I like the name Lola, because it has LOL in the beginning.”