“God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.”
“In my years, I have seen that people must be their own gods and make their own good fortune. The bad will come or not come anyway.”
“Do you forget that I am your sister?”“No; I’ve never been granted the opportunity to forget it.”
“I was becoming addicted to Bombay. There was squalor and poverty, but I had begun to realise my good fortune and would never again forget it.”
“A man is granted one question when god appears before him. How much do I have," the man asked, "before I die?" Enough time," God answers "to make a difference.”
“No, I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it! Granted, granted that there is no flaw in all that reasoning, that all that I have concluded this last month is clear as day, true as arithmetic… . My God! Anyway I couldn't bring myself to it! I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it! Why, why then am I still … ?”