“my goal is to always come from a place of love ...but sometimes you just have to break it down for a motherfucker”
“All these places I want to go don't exist without you. All my goals come from one place. You. You are my biggest goal. That's not wrong, is it?”
“I did not come to this country for the terror from paramilitary," declared Voytek, hoarsely. "I did not come to this country for motherfucker. But motherfucker is waiting. Always. Is carceral state, surveillance state. Orwell. You have read Orwell?”
“Lyndi patted my hand. “That’s how love is. You can’t predict it. You can’t fight it. Sometimes it comes softly. Sometimes it comes fast. Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s hard. But always- always you have to fight for it.”Lyndi”
“I love Lena Horne's "It's not the load that breaks you down. It's the way you carry it."And Annie Dillard"s roughly remembered: Sometimes you have to just jump off the edge and find your wings on the way down.”
“Love doesn't always come when you want it to. Sometimes it just happens, despite your will.”