“Behind every coincidence, every stroke of luck, and every miracle, there is inevitably a cold and calculating mind.”
“Every emotion in the world wishes to be expressed, every task desires to be done. Coincidence is the perfect texture.”
“From this, one can make a deduction which is quite certainly the ultimate truth of jigsaw puzzles: despite appearances, puzzling is not a solitary game: every move the puzzler makes, the puzzlemaker has made before; every piece the puzzler picks up, and picks up again, and studies and strokes, every combination he tries, and tries a second time, every blunder and every insight, each hope and each discouragement have all been designed, calculated, and decided by the other.”
“Behind every "Truth" there is always a "Lie", Behind every " Lie" there is always a "Reason", and behind every " Reason" there is always a "Person"....”
“Every search begins with beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested.”
“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.”