“The participation if women in some armies in the world is in reality only symbolic. The talk about the role of Zionist women in fighting with the combat units of the enemy in the war of 5 June 1967 was intended more as propaganda than anything real or substantial. It was calculated to intensify and compound the adverse psychological effects of the war by exploiting the backward outlook of large sections of Arab society and their role in the community. The intention was to achieve adverse psychological effects by saying to Arabs that they were defeated, in 1967, by women.”

Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein - “The participation if women in some...” 1

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“People here talked about the pre-1967 borders.To tell you the truth this is astonishing.Whatever happened to the (Palestinian) cause we had before 1967?Were we lying to ourselves or to the world?Thousands of martyrs fell before 1967. What for?How can you say that Palestine was occupied only in 1967, and that (Israel) must return to the pre-1967 borders?Does Palestine consist of only the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?If so, it means that the Israelis did not occupy it in 1948.They left it to you for twenty years, so why didn't you establish a Palestinian state?Wasn't the Gaza strip part of Egypt, and the West Bank part of Jordan?The Jews left them to you for twenty years - from 1948 to 1967.If that is Palestine, why didn't you establish a state there?What is the justification for all the wars, the sacrifices, and the economic embargo on Israel before 1967?The Israelis can sue the Arabs now, and demand billions or even trillions in compensation for the damage caused them in 1948-1967.You Arabs admitted that the (Palestinian) cause began after 1967.So the Israelis can ask:"Why did you fight us before that?"They will demand Arab compensation for the so-called embargo on Israel, and for the economic damage caused to the Israelis.If the Israelis sue you, they will win.They will say:We suffered an injustice.We are like an innocent lamb surrounded by wolves.We've been saying this since 1948.Now the Arabs themselves have admitted that Palestine was occupied in 1967.Now they demand that Israel return to the pre-1967 borders, saying this will resolve the problem, and they will recognise Israel.Why didn't you recognise Israel before 1967?There is no God but Allah.By Allah, this is unacceptable.It doesn't make sense.You say that you will recognise Israel within the pre-1967 borders?!Maybe Israel will occupy more Arab land in, say, 2008, and a few years later, you will demand that it return to the pre-2008 borders, in exchange for recognizing Israel.This is exactly what's going on now.We gave negotiations a serious try.The Jews used to say:"Meet with us only once for direct negotiations, and we will resolve this issue."This is what they used to say in the 1950s and 1960s.They used to say: "Please, Arabs, sit down with us just one time, and our problem will be over."But you saw what happened.We met with them a thousand times - from the stables of (camp) David to Annapolis.We've been through all these negotiations - the stables of (camp) David, the Oslo negotiations of our brother Abu Mazen...He was, of course, the hero of Oslo - just like Sadat was the hero of the stables of (camp) David.When Algeria was fighting, donations and volunteers were coming in broad daylight - from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf.From here, from Syria, Dr. IIbrahim Makhous came with a group of volunteers, and fought alongside the Algerian Liberation Front. They were not considered terrorists, and no measures were taken against Syria.”

Muammar Al-Qaddafi
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“If more women were in power, they wouldn't let wars break out," she said. "Women can't be bothered with all this fighting. We see war for what it is- a matter of broken bodies and crying mothers.”

Alexander McCall Smith
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“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton
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“Men fight wars. Women win them.”

Queen Elizabeth I of England
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“NOCEBO: Latin for "I will harm"; a negative placebo; physical manifestation of pessimism; self-fulfilling prophecy of disbelief. In the nocebo effect, a bad result occurs without any physiological bias. In one study, women who believed they were more prone to heart disease were four times more likely to die of it than women with the same risk factors but without a pessimistic outlook. ”

Jon Winokur
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